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Private & NHS Dentist in Greenwich

Title: Private & NHS Dentist in Greenwich
Description: Our highly skilled orthodontics team is led by our principal dentist and specialist orthodontist, Dr Harneet Mangat (GDC 69327). Dr Mangat has over 20 years orthodontics experience and is well respected within the industry. He has previously been the chairman of General Dental Council's (GDC) fitness to practice panel and chairman of the Orthodontic Specialist Group of the BOS (British Orthodontic Society), he has been a member of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons Royal College of Surgeons of England since 1997. The Benefits of Fixed Braces Fixed Braces have been used successfully in orthodontics for many years. The brackets and wires are very efficient at accurately adjusting the position of teeth and can rectify most orthodontic issues. The braces work by exerting gentle pressure on the teeth to move them into the desired position. Fixed Braces have the benefit of allowing your Orthodontist to make precise adjustments to ensure your teeth are as well aligned as possible. Our team are highly experienced and can offer bespoke treatments to achieve the best results for your individual needs. For those who are concerned about the appearance of wearing Metal Braces, we offer more aesthetically pleasing alternatives. White Braces work in exactly the same way but have tooth coloured brackets, which makes them less noticeable to wear. Even more discreet are Lingual Braces, which are fitted to the hidden backs of the teeth rather than the fronts.
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