Description: | Landscape design and construction company in Southern California by Siapin Horticulture? A beautiful landscape design can transform a place from ordinary to extraordinary! While the basic exterior of a building may or may not be allowed to be changed or modified, but how the owner wants to do up or keep the garden is a personal choice. The garden area adds immense style and beauty to a house or commercial space, along with being the space that offers rejuvenation and peace. This comfort instantly magnifies when the landscape design of the garden is unique and beautiful. Landscape gardens are a class apart and can add tons of charm to any garden area.
Here at Siapin Horticulture we sometimes have to navigate many technical details when designing a landscape project take for example this job at Western Asset Plaza in Los Angeles where we had to blow in "lightweight soil" to reduce the weight load on the planters because underneath is a parking structure. We also kept in mind that though we have had plenty of rain here in So Cal we are still in drought mode.
Gutters and curbs transport flow fast to a stormwater drain without allowing for pollutant removal or infiltration using an inlet filter. Eliminating gutters and curbs can reduce runoff volumes and increase sheet flow. Maintaining sheet flow by removing gutters and curbs that direct runoff into bioretention basins and swales that are vegetated helps to prevent soil erosion by stormwater also helps retain hydraulic conditions (pre-development). A level distributor, which is a channel designed to convert concentrated discharge into a level stream and evenly distribute it on a slope, can also be included to prevent soil erosion.
At the Leavey Library ,they had a large damaged area so our job in this section was to repair but also add a new parking lot and repair new landscaping. The biggest part was adding new asphalt and parking lot striping. We also installed some new trees, soil mounds, and some new grass. For the Virginia Ramo Hall of Music, our goal was to put new drainage around the building, add new walkways, also we regraded new landscape and trees. We had to add more shade to the north side mainly. We built on new large sycamore trees, new sodding around the building, dianella plants, and philodendron plants. |