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Online courses

Title: Online courses
Description: A beginner student will need extra care. He needs to have an easy time going trough the projects because of the extra explanations that are hidden all over the place. We need to add as much detail and predefined structure. Exercises are a must for this type of user. He needs training wheels for a long period and the UI will provide them. Constants reminders will take care of keeping his memory fresh after learning new topics. He also needs additional attention on the motivation side. Messages that encourage him to continue will resonate with his needs. A lot of users go for a dive and keep reading as long as interesting subjects emerge. We need to ensure that these subjects are easy to discover and evaluate. A seasoned student will use multiple indicators to evaluate if the content is worthy of spending the time on it. Ex: Number of views, number of comments, google trends, number of github stars, number of downloads, etc. We need to meaningful stats and recommendations for this type of user.This type of wants to accomplish all achievements, collect all rewards and get his spot in the hall of fame. He wants to consume everything and he is on a mission to conquer the world of programming. This type of user will resonate with everything gamification related. He is a natural speed runner in all the game he plays and so is the learning process.
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