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Martial Arts Dojo in Sacramento

Title: Martial Arts Dojo in Sacramento
Description: Sensei Christina Hinschberger is a 5th-degree black belt with the International KarateCoaching Federation and a 5th-degree black belt with the ISKF. She has been practicing Shotokan karate for over 30 years. She was part of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) national team representing the United States in various international tournaments. Sensei Christina has been teaching Shotokan karate since she was 16 years old. She teaches with energy and enthusiasm. Her passion is obvious, and you can see that as her students build their skills, character, and self-confidence. She is also a California Multiple Subject Credentialed teacher, Certified Personal Trainer through the National Association of Sports Medicine and a Certified Yoga Instructor through Yoga Alliance. ?Sensei ?Christina is the co-owner of Tokon Martial Arts in Natomas Sacramento where she teaches traditional Karate and Martial Arts. As a parent, you are already aware of the tremendous potential of your child. But you may be worried about whether they would be able to make the most of their natural gifts. Maybe your child’s focus or attention span is limited; maybe he or she is shy or plagued by self-doubt; or maybe the child needs someone’s help to reinforce life-skills. These are situations where Tokon Martial Arts can help your child develop the necessary attributes to lead a happy and healthy life. We at Tokon are passionate about what we do and the attention to every student sets us apart from any other school in the area. Our Karate program is unique in that we combine both a world class traditional martial arts curriculum and a world class character development curriculum. Our students do not only develop physical skills but develop character, focus, determination and commitment as well. Tokon Martial Arts has a clear goal for anybody of our students: We train black belts and develop leaders. We are not the right program if you just look for an activity to fill up some free time. We are an educational training facility and not a daycare or casual activity center. We are not a belt factory and not a candy store either - and though our classes are fun, they are also fast paced, demanding and challenging. That's why we demand commitment from both our students (yes even the young ones) but also you the adult (or the parent).
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