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Description: The Recover offers reporting on trending news topics about addiction and mental health. A team of experienced journalists write non-bias news about major health news issues. Psychedelics in the medical field have been grabbing ahold of scientist and experts around the world due to the benefits and possible treatments of the future. A new survey that studies anti-depressants qualities of short-acting hallucinogenic has reported increasingly positive improvements in the well-being of people diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The new study led by a team from Johns Hopkins University claimed that the quick effects seen in the drug 5-MeO-DMT make it far more useful in clinical situations rather than longer acting hallucinogenic like LSD and mushrooms. DMT, is a drug that is known for its spiritual and quick effects, that come on rapidly, usually within a minute of being inhaled or injected. Users report that it only last anywhere from 5-25 minutes. Because of this, it has adopted the name “businessman’s trip” – a hallucinogen one could effectively take during a quick break at lunch.
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